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Does a 5 year old know what FORCE is??

Michelle S. Aulakh

Updated: Sep 24, 2021

By Michelle S. Aulakh

Childhood is said to be a golden treasure of one’s life. It's full of joy and happiness. Children are innocent and naïve, little do they know about this cruel world, full of misconceptions and beliefs.

As sad as it is to read about cruelty on children, we have yet another story based on the very messed up beliefs of people.

The incident took place on Sunday, 5th September 2021, at Baniya Village in Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh. 6 minor girls were made to parade naked with a wooden shaft over their shoulders with frogs tied to it to 'praise' the 'Rain God.'

While the girls were walking, the village women were singing bhajans. Just so that the 'Rain God' is 'pleased'. During this obnoxious procession, the women collected food grains from the villagers and cooked feasts for people at the local temple.

Have you ever heard in any Holy Book of any religion asking girls to walk naked to please a god?

I have never heard of it and I'm pretty sure you haven’t either. God cannot help in this. If you really want to do something, start protecting the environment. Stop having these beliefs and misconceptions. Gods adore little children; they would never want any child or adult to do these kind of things.

The most astonishing and nauseating part is that the parents played an active role in this drivel naked parade for 'praising' the 'Rain God'. Parents are known to be the mighty protectors of their kids. Some would say they are mightier than GOD himself. But it looks like that is not the case here.

Not once did any of the villagers complain about this perversity and misconduct.

Damoh superintendent of police, DR Teniwar said and I quote “Police are investigating this incident. Action will be taken if it is found that girls were forced to go naked”. This very statement of his has left me in shock. “Forced to go naked,” he says, well do 5 year old children know what force is? They don't know what is wrong or right. They will do what they parent or any other elder will tell them to do. They are naïve but their parents are not. How could they be a part of something like this?

It saddens me to think for how long this atrocity has been going on.

No action has been taken till now. DR Teniwar also says that “in such cases, administrations can only make the villagers aware about the futility of superstitions and make them understand that such practice doesn’t yield desired results”

People, not only in India but in many other countries still have weird, messed up superstitions and beliefs. They have to start thinking sensibly. Which these days is really important. This portrays another reason why education is important.

These incidents happen not only with girls but with boys as well. You need to understand that it affects not only their physical health but their mental health too. Children of today are the future of tomorrow. We must educate them, rather than make them do all these absurd activities and teaching them to have faith in superstitions and ill-founded beliefs.

What we do Today, Matters Tomorrow..

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