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Plan M

Veechika and Aparna

Updated: Sep 24, 2021

By Veechika and Aparna

Why periods? Why can’t Mother nature just text me and be like, “Waddup? You ain’t pregnant. Have a great week. Talk to you next month.”

If this isn’t the most relatable thing to all you menstruators out there, then I don’t know what is.

On one normal day of your relatively happy life, you saw a red stain on your underwear. Maybe you were confused, or maybe you already knew this was coming. But that day changed your life. The number of changes your body and mind went through, is not something one can explain in words. All those days when you looked at the mirror and found yourself full of insecurities. All those days when you were suddenly overcome by a sudden wave of emotions. All the days you were dying on the inside, but put up a smile on your face.

You may feel like no one understands. But believe me you are NOT alone.

As much as menstruation is celebrated across the world, people fail to mention what periods actually mean. Along with vaginal bleeding, one also suffers from back pain, bloating, breast pain, fatigue, diarrhea and other symptoms. Period cramps among other things can be extremely painful. They might experience vaginal cramps, abdominal cramps and so on. Periods can last from about two to seven days. It is often accompanied by mood swings and stress which can be really hard to deal with, especially in the first few years.

Periods are a normal thing in one’s life and we should be able to talk about it without shying away. Help little menstruators understand what periods are and how they can deal with the pain. Tell all the non-menstruators what it is too. It is important for them to know what their friends go through. The pain that a person goes through during their periods can be stressful. But we don’t have to deal with this alone.

I feel like this comes with a lot of terms and conditions that I didn’t sign up for.



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